I have spent the last several weeks reviewing what I already have. I have much of Donna Goff's writings since she was my first official mentor 10 years ago. Much of her resources are found at Mentoring Our Own and Moor House Homeschool
I have also pored over An Old Fashioned Education and Ambleside Online, Ambleside took me to After Thoughts Blog where I found 2 fabulous blog series. 31 Days of CM Myths and 31 Days of Charlotte Mason. Those were vital for me; especially the Myths one. If I hadn't received that insight, I think I would have read through her works through the eyes of the myths I have assumed over the past 15 years.
My plan is to begin my formal study with A Journey Through Charlotte Mason's 20 Principles. I will read the guide myself this summer. In the Fall I want to host a monthly group study. If that actually comes to fruition I will continue at that pace. If not, I will continue on my own. After that, I might also use Penny Gardner's Charlotte Mason Study Guide or read straight through the 6 Volumes.
I'm excited.