Where Do I Begin?
When Alice asked the Cheshire Cat which road to take, he responded by asking her where she wanted to go. Alice didn't really know, so the Cheshire cat told her it didn't matter which road she took.
Where to begin can be a very overwhelming place to be. But before you worry about what method of teaching and which curricula to choose, first take some time to think about what you really want out of this. If you feel the need to take the kids out of school immediately, go ahead and do it. You may need to spend some time detoxing from public school and become a family again. While you are spending time together and not worrying about academics (don't worry, they can more than catch up) make your plan. Donna Goff, from Moorhouse Academy and Princess Academies, has written a start-up kit. For $5.49 you can purchase her series of 5 e-pamphlet articles that have instructions on creating your MAP (Master Actualization Plan). First you complete your academic self-assessment and your vision of what you want your children to accomplish during their time in your home. Then you can begin to focus on what you want to do this year. It may take a few thoughtful afternoons, but this exercise is so worth the effort. You will have a better foundation and will know that they are receiving the important things.
Here is a post about how I did my own master plan.
Now you can think about whether you are a textbook or an activity type of person; whether you want a literature and living books type or a unit study type; whether you want your day scripted or more flexible. Work on family rhythms and relationships; if these things are in place, just about any system will do. Here is a list and brief explanation of many of the approaches and methods of homeschooling. I have listed many of my favorites in my links.