Khan Academy review

A few months ago I was introduced to Khan Academy Khan Academy has two parts. The first is a library of over 2000 instructional videos on topics in math, science, and humanities. The second is my favorite part. It is an online practice and instructional software. Khan Academy is gaining in popularity as word of this resource spreads. Each student is required to have his or her own account in order to track progress. A concept map guides the student beginning with single digit addition through algebra and trigonometry. To show mastery of each concept the student must correctly answer 10 problems in a row, called a streak. If the student is struggling with or new to the topic, links are provided to the appropriate instructional videos. These videos run about 10 minutes long. Sal Khan, the company’s founder explains and illustrates each concept in the videos. A student is free to pause, and repeat the instruction as many times as needed without embarrassment. The program will also provide hints to find the answer, although this option will reset the student’s streak.

My favorite part of this program is that the students can earn any of 60 badges keeping them motivated to practice. Badges are available for answering quickly, for persisting in a difficult concept or mastering a number of concepts. Earning badges is what got my kids interested and keeps them coming back. I didn't just give it to them to try out, instead I made myself an account and started playing and earning badges. Soon they became interested in what I was doing and asked if they could do it too. Although they are at different levels, they still have a little competitive thing going on with how many badges they can earn. I am not doing "school" this summer, but about once a week they still ask if they can do Khan Academy.

The parent’s resources are also very helpful. Parents, as "coaches," can receive any number of student and class progress reports to view the progression of their students. The progress reports are in depth and easy to use. Coaches can see at a glance where students are and what they are struggling with so they know when to intervene. They can see how long each student has practiced and on what topics.

Khan Academy is FREE. I have paid good money for programs not nearly this good. I am very impressed.