The Myth of the Teenager

I have told my children that they are not allowed to become teenagers. If they choose to become teenagers they will likely have to find a new place to live.

You see, the "teenager" is a modern invention. Before World War Two, there was no such thing.

Essentially, youth who act like adults and look forward to adulthood are Young Adults. Youth who act like children and wish to play like children are Teenagers.

Dr. Michael Platt wrote an article on the Myth of the Teenager . I highly recommend it.

My friend Rachel said it perfectly in this list:

Teenagers do these things:

1. Display a bad attitude.

2 Are glued to their cell phones.

3. Text others while with someone in person.

4. Constantly obsess about members of the opposite sex.

5. Do not follow the principles clearly laid out in the "For the Strength of Youth" booklet.

6. Treat younger sibling with contempt.

7. Tear their family members down.

8. Avoid family activities.

9. Complain about chores, family activities, parental decisions, church duties, ...(Fill in the blank here!)

10. Use phrases like "This is stupid," and "I'm BORED.".

11. Care more about what their FRIENDS think, than what their parents and family thinks.

Young Adults do these things:

1. They are excited about life!.

2. They genuinely care about others.

3. They are content to just be friends and wait until they're older and more mature to start obsessing about members of the opposite sex. They don't pair off until they're ready to seek out a marriage partner.

4. They are courageous and are not afraid to try new things -- even if it's something potentially "embarrassing."

5. They are not afraid to stand up for what's RIGHT and follow the principles in the "For the Strength of Youth" booklet, even when a crowd of teenagers is pressuring them to "be like everyone else."

6.They like to have good, clean fun with other Young Adults.

7. They honor their parents and show kindness to their siblings.

8. They like spending time with their families.

9. They ask their parents for advice and respect their opinions.

10. They help around the house, and honorable fulfill their duties at home and at church.

11. They can TOTALLY be trusted!

I absolutely agree!

Recently some youth were inspired by Dr Platt’s article. They are now writing a book called I am Not a Teenager . I have seen the preview and I am excited to see the finished product. I find this so inspiring. How exciting to find youth who know challenges will come and are preparing to meet them. These are the youth who will shape the future.